• 50 years experience
    Industry experts
  • Bespoke buildings
    Tailored portable units
  • High quality at great value
    Made in the UK
How quickly will I receive my hired modular building?

To help those individuals who may be scared off by the jargon filled world of manufacturing, we thought in this blog we would explore the process of hiring a modular building from Springfield and how quickly it can be delivered to your site.

4 April 2019
What building should I hire? A guide to hiring the perfect off-site building

For those individuals who are not well versed in the differences between a portable and a prefabricated building however, searching for a building can be a daunting prospect. But it doesn’t have to be. In this blog post, you will find our guide to what building types suit each scenario, to aid in your understanding of hiring one.

29 March 2019
Springfield’s Complete Guide To Portable Cabins

The wide applications of this building type married with our offsite techniques makes it the perfect solution for sustainable expansion. But for any of our potential clients who do not know what a portable cabin is, we thought in our latest blog post we would put together a comprehensive guide to highlight its distinct advantages.

15 March 2019
Portable cabins, the perfect partner for construction projects

With the development of science and technology comes the desire for bigger and more ambitious construction projects. In this blog we will explore how portable cabins are a fantastic addition to construction projects, providing a quick and bespoke office solution.

8 March 2019
How a modular building is the perfect solution for our growing healthcare

Creating a sustainable and affordable healthcare service is one of the primary goals for any government. The NHS however remains under significant pressure from an aging population and a rise in the costs required to treat them.  For those authorities who are searching for ways in which to increase the number of facilities available to the public, it can be a difficult task to find a cost-effective and suitable solution.

22 February 2019
Springfield’s complete guide to modular buildings

Modular buildings are a huge part of our service and as such we understand their importance for the future of the construction sector. We also recognise that some of our potential clients may not completely understand what a modular building actually is. In this vein we thought we’d put together a guide to modular buildings: what they are and how they will aid in the development of your business.

25 January 2019

Speak directly with one of our design team who will answer any questions you have and guide you through the wide range of choices available

Call Now 01744 851958